Terima kasih Cikgu Zana...& thank you HaSue..lambat sangat nk tepek award ni sampai dh bertindih dptnye..
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
Award pemberian.. Kak zana - dzanariah.blogspot.com,inspirasi ku & HaSue - I Love My Life... Syoknye,ramai2 bg award kt aku ni..hehehe
Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Calon2nye ialah..jeng jeng jeng...
- zai
- liza
- k.long
- hazila
- ctzura (amik lg ye
- leen
- k.hana jepun
- k.catalina
- k.ina kl
- k.anawahid
- syana
- sape2 yg singgah blog aku
- sape2 yg jengah blog aku
- sape2 yg link ngan aku
- sape2 yg nk amik,amiklah ye,jgn segan silu..
hehehe..aci ke xaci?hantam sajelh labuuuu...aku beharap & berdoa moga jalinan dialam maya ini akan sentiasa diberkati Ilahi..Amin
che are x sempat bagitau lagi ader award utk sy kan... hah sy nk gi bw tempek gak ler.. tp sy letak kat sini... htpp://umiaimanzulfaqar.blogspot.com..blog masak nooo... kira aci yer....